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xmlhtmlrequest.upload属性下面的方法有: 来源
Event listeners | Data type of response property |
onloadstart | The fetch starts |
onprogress | Data transfer is going on |
onabort | The fetch operation was aborted |
onerror | The fetch failed |
onload | The fetch succeeded |
ontimeout | The fetch operation didn't complete by the timeout the author specified |
onloadend | The fetch operation completed (either success or failure) |
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Property | Type | Description |
target 只读 | The event target (the topmost target in the DOM tree). | |
type 只读 | The type of event. | |
bubbles 只读 | Whether the event normally bubbles or not | |
cancelable 只读 | Whether the event is cancellable or not? | |
lengthComputable | boolean | Specifies whether or not the total size of the transfer is known. Read only. |
loaded | unsigned long (long) | The number of bytes transferred since the beginning of the operation. This doesn't include headers and other overhead, but only the content itself. Read only. |
total | unsigned long (long) | The total number of bytes of content that will be transferred during the operation. If the total size is unknown, this value is zero. Read only. |